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whoweare [2021/05/24 11:05]
admin [NEKAAL Officers]
whoweare [2024/12/10 20:11] (current)
admin [NEKAAL Officers]
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 ====== What We Do ====== ====== What We Do ======
-NEKAAL members observe, draw, photograph, document, discover and enjoy astronomy. We have given hundreds of educational presentations,​ had articles published in scientific journals, participated in projects of research and discovery, and have introduced hundreds of people to the wonders of the night sky through “[[Star Parties]]” ​at Farpoint Observatory and across the area.+NEKAAL members observe, draw, photograph, document, discover and enjoy astronomy. We have given hundreds of educational presentations,​ had articles published in scientific journals, participated in projects of research and discovery, and have introduced hundreds of people to the wonders of the night sky at Farpoint Observatory and across the area.
 ====== Observatory ====== ====== Observatory ======
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 ====== NEKAAL Officers ====== ====== NEKAAL Officers ======
-^        Officers ​2021           ^^+^        Officers ​2025           ^^
 ^ President | Doug Goodin |  ^ President | Doug Goodin | 
 ^ Vice President | Justin Prochaska | ^ Vice President | Justin Prochaska |
-^ Secretary ​     | Jan Burgardt ​+^ Secretary ​     | Wes Chiles ​
-^ Treasurer ​     | David Cromer ​|+^ Treasurer ​     | Antonio Castaneda ​|
 ^ Board Chair      | Justin Prochaska |  ^ Board Chair      | Justin Prochaska | 
-^                NEKAAL Board               ^^^ +^                NEKAAL Board               ^^^^^^ 
-David Cromer ​Linda Fund | Gary Hug | Sanford Pomerantz ​| Russell Valentine |+Jan Burgardt ​Antonio Castaneda ​| Gary Hug | Parker Lessig | Angel Romero ​| Russell Valentine |
 ^                      Support Positions ​                   ^^ ^                      Support Positions ​                   ^^
 ^ Education/​Outreach Coordinator ​          | Janelle Burgardt | ^ Education/​Outreach Coordinator ​          | Janelle Burgardt |
-^ Facilities/​Observatory Coordinator ​      | Gary Hug/David Cromer ​        |+^ Facilities/​Observatory Coordinator ​      | Gary Hug |
-{{:​bio-blank.png |}}+ 
 +{{:​bio-blank.png | Placeholder,​ no portrait available for Doug Goodin}}
 **Doug Goodin**\\ **Doug Goodin**\\
-//Board Position:// President/Board Chair\\+//Board Position:// President\\
 //​Occupation://​ \\ //​Occupation://​ \\
 //Astronomy interest:// \\ //Astronomy interest:// \\
Line 42: Line 43:
 <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​ <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​
-{{:​justin_prochaska.jpg |}}+ 
 +{{:​justin_prochaska.jpg | Portrait of Justin Prochaska}}
 **Justin Prochaska**\\ **Justin Prochaska**\\
 //Board Position:// Vice President/​Board Chair\\ //Board Position:// Vice President/​Board Chair\\
Line 50: Line 52:
 <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​ <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​
-{{:bio-david-cromer.jpg David Cromer}} + 
-**David Cromer**\\ +{{:bio-blank.png Placeholder,​ no portrait available for Wes Chiles}} 
-//Board Position:// ​Secretary/​Treasurer\\ +**Wes Chiles**\\ 
-//​Occupation:// ​Retired Principal - Mission Valley High School ​\\ +//Board Position:// ​Member\\ 
-//Astronomy interest:// ​Everything ​\\ +//​Occupation://​ \\ 
-//Favorite observing object:// ​Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, NEOs \\+//Astronomy interest:// \\ 
 +//Favorite observing object:// ​
 <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​ <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​
-{{:​bio-pic-jan.jpg |}}+ 
 +{{:​bio-pic-jan.jpg | Portrait of Janelle Burgardt}}
 **Janelle Burgardt**\\ **Janelle Burgardt**\\
 //Board Position:// Member\\ //Board Position:// Member\\
Line 66: Line 70:
 <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​ <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​
-{{:​bio-blank.png |}} + 
-**Linda Fund**\\+{{:​bio-blank.png | Placeholder,​ no portrait available for Antonio Castaneda}} 
 +**Antonio Castaneda**\\
 //Board Position:// Member\\ //Board Position:// Member\\
 //​Occupation://​ \\ //​Occupation://​ \\
Line 74: Line 79:
 <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​ <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​
-{{:​bio-pic-gary.jpg |}}+ 
 +{{:​bio-pic-gary.jpg | Portrait of Gary Hug}}
 **Gary Hug**\\ **Gary Hug**\\
 //Board Position:// Member\\ //Board Position:// Member\\
Line 82: Line 88:
 <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​ <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​
-{{:bio-blank.png |}} + 
-**Sanford Pomerantz**\\+{{:bio-pic-parker.jpg?​128 ​Portrait of Parker Lessig}} 
 +**Parker Lessig**\\
 //Board Position:// Member\\ //Board Position:// Member\\
 +//​Occupation:// ​ Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Kansas\\
 +//Astronomy interest:// Astrophotography,​ Asteroid Astrometry, Solar Astronomy\\
 +{{:​bio-blank.png | Placeholder,​ no portrait available for Angel Romero}}
 +**Angel Romero**\\
 +//Board Position:// Secretary\\
 //​Occupation://​ \\ //​Occupation://​ \\
 //Astronomy interest:// \\ //Astronomy interest:// \\
Line 90: Line 105:
 <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​ <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​
-{{:​russell_portrait.png |}}+ 
 +{{:​russell_portrait.png | Portrait of Russell Valentine}}
 **Russell Valentine**\\ **Russell Valentine**\\
-//Board Position:// ​member\\ +//Board Position:// ​vice president/​board chair\\ 
-//​Ocupation://​ IT, Agriculture\\ +//​Ocupation://​ IT\\ 
-//Astronomy Interests://​ Visual observing and the applications of mathematics,​ electronic engineering,​ and physics into the field of astronomy.\\+//Astronomy Interests://​ Visual observing, astrophotography, ​and the applications of mathematics,​ electronic engineering,​ and physics into the field of astronomy.\\
 //Favorite observing targets:// Veil Nebula, Milky Way\\ //Favorite observing targets:// Veil Nebula, Milky Way\\
 //​Contact://​ [[mailto:​russell.valentine@nekaal.org|russell.valentine@nekaal.org]] \\ //​Contact://​ [[mailto:​russell.valentine@nekaal.org|russell.valentine@nekaal.org]] \\