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admin [NEKAAL Officers]
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 ====== NEKAAL Officers ====== ====== NEKAAL Officers ======
-^        Officers ​2024           ^^+^        Officers ​2025           ^^
 ^ President | Doug Goodin |  ^ President | Doug Goodin | 
-^ Vice President | Russell Valentine ​+^ Vice President | Justin Prochaska ​
-^ Secretary ​     | Angel Romero ​+^ Secretary ​     | Wes Chiles ​
-^ Treasurer ​     | David Cromer ​+^ Treasurer ​     | Antonio Castaneda ​
-^ Board Chair      | Russell Valentine ​+^ Board Chair      | Justin Prochaska ​
 ^                NEKAAL Board               ​^^^^^^ ^                NEKAAL Board               ​^^^^^^
-| Jan Burgardt | Antonio Castaneda ​| Wes Chiles | David Cromer ​| Gary Hug | Justin Prochaska ​|+| Jan Burgardt | Antonio Castaneda | Gary Hug | Parker Lessig | Angel Romero | Russell Valentine ​|
 ^                      Support Positions ​                   ^^ ^                      Support Positions ​                   ^^
 ^ Education/​Outreach Coordinator ​          | Janelle Burgardt | ^ Education/​Outreach Coordinator ​          | Janelle Burgardt |
-^ Facilities/​Observatory Coordinator ​      | Gary Hug/David Cromer ​        |+^ Facilities/​Observatory Coordinator ​      | Gary Hug | 
 {{:​bio-blank.png | Placeholder,​ no portrait available for Doug Goodin}} {{:​bio-blank.png | Placeholder,​ no portrait available for Doug Goodin}}
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 <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​ <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​
-{{:​russell_portrait.png | Portrait of Russell Valentine}} 
-**Russell Valentine**\\ 
-//Board Position:// vice president/​board chair\\ 
-//​Ocupation://​ IT\\ 
-//Astronomy Interests://​ Visual observing, astrophotography,​ and the applications of mathematics,​ electronic engineering,​ and physics into the field of astronomy.\\ 
-//Favorite observing targets:// Veil Nebula, Milky Way\\ 
-//​Contact://​ [[mailto:​russell.valentine@nekaal.org|russell.valentine@nekaal.org]] \\ 
-{{:​bio-blank.png | Placeholder,​ no portrait available for Angel Romero}} +{{:​justin_prochaska.jpg | Portrait of Justin Prochaska}} 
-**Angel Romero**\\ +**Justin Prochaska**\\ 
-//Board Position:// ​Secretary\\+//Board Position:// Vice President/​Board Chair\\ 
 +//​Occupation://​ Electronics Mechanic at Fort Riley\\ 
 +//Astronomy interest:// Galaxies, Moon, and Planetary Bodies, Nebula'​s \\ 
 +//Favorite observing object:// Jupiter and Saturn \\ 
 +{{:​bio-blank.png | Placeholder,​ no portrait available for Wes Chiles}} 
 +**Wes Chiles**\\ 
 +//Board Position:// ​Member\\
 //​Occupation://​ \\ //​Occupation://​ \\
 //Astronomy interest:// \\ //Astronomy interest:// \\
 //Favorite observing object:// ​ //Favorite observing object:// ​
 <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​ <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​
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 <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​ <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​
-{{:​bio-david-cromer.jpg | Portrait of David Cromer}} 
-**David Cromer**\\ 
-//Board Position:// Secretary/​Treasurer\\ 
-//​Occupation://​ Retired Principal - Mission Valley High School \\ 
-//Astronomy interest:// Everything \\ 
-//Favorite observing object:// Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, NEOs \\ 
 {{:​bio-pic-gary.jpg | Portrait of Gary Hug}} {{:​bio-pic-gary.jpg | Portrait of Gary Hug}}
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-{{:justin_prochaska.jpg | Portrait of Justin Prochaska}} +{{:bio-pic-parker.jpg?128 | Portrait of Parker Lessig}} 
-**Justin Prochaska**\\+**Parker Lessig**\\
 //Board Position:// Member\\ //Board Position:// Member\\
-//​Occupation:// ​Electronics Mechanic at Fort Riley\\ +//​Occupation:// ​ ​Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Kansas\\ 
-//Astronomy interest:// ​GalaxiesMoonand Planetary Bodies, Nebula'​s \\ +//Astronomy interest:// ​AstrophotographyAsteroid AstrometrySolar Astronomy\\ 
-//Favorite observing object:// Jupiter and Saturn ​\\ +<​html><​div><​br/><​br/​><​br/></​div></​html>​
-{{:​bio-blank.png | Placeholder,​ no portrait available for Wes Chiles}} +{{:​bio-blank.png | Placeholder,​ no portrait available for Angel Romero}} 
-**Wes Chiles**\\ +**Angel Romero**\\ 
-//Board Position:// ​Member\\+//Board Position:// ​Secretary\\
 //​Occupation://​ \\ //​Occupation://​ \\
 //Astronomy interest:// \\ //Astronomy interest:// \\
 //Favorite observing object:// ​ //Favorite observing object:// ​
 <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​ <​html><​div><​br/></​div></​html>​
 +{{:​russell_portrait.png | Portrait of Russell Valentine}}
 +**Russell Valentine**\\
 +//Board Position:// vice president/​board chair\\
 +//​Ocupation://​ IT\\
 +//Astronomy Interests://​ Visual observing, astrophotography,​ and the applications of mathematics,​ electronic engineering,​ and physics into the field of astronomy.\\
 +//Favorite observing targets:// Veil Nebula, Milky Way\\
 +//​Contact://​ [[mailto:​russell.valentine@nekaal.org|russell.valentine@nekaal.org]] \\