December 2006 Volume 1, Issue 1
PO BOX 951, Topeka KS 66619
The official newsletter of Farpoint Observatory and the Northeast
Kansas Amateur Astronomers' League
The New OBSERVER e-Newsletter Bill Leifer
The editor of the new e-newsletter explains how it works, what to expect, etc.
Hindsight Graham Bell
Graham gives a personal account of what it was like being editor of THE OBSERVER all those years: The joys and frustrations of producing a great newsletter.
FAST Tracks Gary Hug
An update on the soon-to-be-completed FAST program and plans for club use of the Tombaugh Telescope
Notes From the General Meeting on Variable Stars Russ Valentine
Very useful notes summarizing the presentation on Variable Stars. Keep these for reference, in case you find yourself someday involved in this fascinating endeavor, one in which amateurs can make a major contribution to science and astronomy.
Nominations for 2007 Board Bill Leifer
Those of you who have not already sent in your nominations or lost the form, please print this, fill it out, and bring it to the Christmas meeting at 3PM on Dec. 10th.
Map to Christmas meeting/party Marshall Miller
Map and directions to Marshall and Linda Miller's house for the Christmas meeting/party at 3PM on Dec. 10th
Give us your feedback Bill Leifer
No article or link here. Please email or call Bill Leifer with comments, suggestions, or problems noticed regarding this new eNewsletter. Contact info is on the published roster.