February-March, 2007 Volume 2, Issue 1
PO BOX 951, Topeka KS 66619
(785)449-2102 http://www.nekaal.org
The official newsletter of Farpoint Observatory and the Northeast
Kansas Amateur Astronomers' League
President's Corner Dan Tibbets
New board president, Dan Tibbets, lays out his vision for NEKAAL for 2007 as well as his personal design for world domination.
Changing of The Guard Bill Leifer
E-newsletter editor, Bill Leifer, welcomes and thanks the new leadership of NEKAAL for stepping up. Also, a few thoughts about the new e-newsletter, itself.
StarBase NEKAAL Scott Sackrider
Scott Sackrider reports on the recent collaboration between Kansas StarBase and NEKAAL.
Space Weather For Air Travelers Dr. Tony Phillips
December, 2006 NASA SpacePlace article: How space weather can affect airline travel and what new things are being done to address this.
A Great Big Wreck Dr. Tony Phillips
January 2007 NASA SpacePlace article: Look out!!! We're gonna ram!! What happens when galaxies collide? Yet another thing to not worry about. The image in this article may be downloaded from http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/astro_clubs/antennae_galaxies.jpg
Astronomy Day: Two in 2007? Janelle Burgardt
Astronomy Day, historically held in the spring, will also be held in the fall in 2007. Why the double event, and how will NEKAAL participate?