October-November, 2007 Vol.1 No. 4
PO BOX 951, Topeka KS 66619
(785)449-2102 http://www.nekaal.org
The official newsletter of Farpoint Observatory and the Northeast
Kansas Amateur Astronomers' League
It is time to nominate yourself (or someone you respect) to the 2008 board. Be an active leader in what is widely understood by ourselves to be the top-ranking Astronomy Club in a 12 state region. Dale Lee provides us with the form and conducts the process through the final votes at the December Party/Meeting. Please fill this out and mail to Dale (Hey, I like the ring of that) or scan and email to him your completed form.
Observing Report Gary Hug
Here is a report by Gary Hug on what he has been doing, including with the Tombaugh, chock full of solid data. Gary has included a beautiful photo he took with the Tombaugh recently using the new photometric filters, of M33. Folks, this is your equipment and your club. Like Gary, you can learn to do this. Be the first on your block. Impress your friends and confound your enemies. You belong to a club with a 1600 pound behemoth telescope with a 27" mirror and pro camera. And believe me, there aren't many of those. Point and shoot (almost).
Cosmic Cockroaches Dr. Tony Phillips
The August "Space Place" article from NASA describes the stunning discovery that a key ingredient for life, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH's,) survive supernovae explosions and distribute widely through space-time. Yet another clue that life may be ubiquitous throughout the universe and why this may be the case.
Scott Sackrider is heading for Iraq Scott Sackrider
By next fall, our fearless facility manager will be beginning his 12 month tour in Iraq. For NEKAAL, this means that a member with good fixit/repair, and organizational skills will be lost for a while. Scott is willing to train any NEKAAL member to be ready to take over, but you must stand up and be counted (nominate yourself for the board on the ballot in this issue). Think of it as your patriotic duty. Help us on the home front.
Chew on This Diane K. Fisher
Diane Fisher of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory describes the RAT (rock abrasion tool). Mars is fortunately infested with RATs. This was the June Space Place article.